The second CoLoMoTo meeting took place on March 27-28 2012, at the Wellcome trust conference centre, Hinxton UK. It was organized by the Systems Biomedicine group, EMBL-EBI.
Also see the minutes of the discussions.
Thurday, 18
Presentations by Colomoto members, focusing on getting to know each other, and progress update.
Time | Who | Topic |
13:00 | Arrival, lunch | |
14:00 | J Saez-Rodriguez | CellNOpt, modelling prior knowledge networks trained to data |
14:20 | C Chaouiya | GINsim, current status and future developments |
14:40 | D Thieffry | Compression of state transitions graph for the analysis of cell fate decisions |
15:00 | A Dräger | Modeling the influence of nuclear receptors and statins on hepatocyte metabolism |
15:20 | T Helikar | The Cell Collective: Towards a more open, collaborative, and integrated systems biology |
15:35 | Coffee break | |
16:00 | S Klamt | Qualitative modeling approaches for signaling and regulatory networks [CANCELED] |
16:30 | Brainstorm on governance, funding | |
18:00 | End of meeting | |
19:30 | Conference dinner in Cambridge |
Friday, 19
Developers presentations.
Time | Who | Topic |
09:00 | A Naldi | Colomoto toolbox |
09:30 | M van Iersel | SBML-qual validation workshop |
10:00 | S Keating | SBML packaging workshop |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | N Rodriguez | JSBML workshop |
11:30 | Brainstorm on development process, validation and interoperability | |
12:30 | Lunch | |
13:30 | Brainstorm on future development |
- Julio Saez-Rodriguez, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK
- Sarah Keating, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK
- Nicolas Rodriguez, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK
- Nicolas Le Novère, EBML-EBI, Cambridge, UK
- Martijn van Iersel, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK
- Emanuel Gonçalves, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK
- Thomas Cokelaer, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK
- Claudine Chaouiya, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
- Aurelien Naldi, CIG-UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Tomas Helikar, University of Nebraska USA
- Andreas Dräger, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Denis Thieffry, IBENS, Paris, France